
Friday, April 23, 2010

New SMS 2010 Collections!

Surya - jothika:


SHE: Yes, I waited so long for this

HE: Do U want me to leave?

SHE: No don't even think of it

HE: Did U love me?

SHE: Yes I did, I'm doing & I'll do

HE: Did U ever cheat me?

SHE: I'll die than doing it

HE: Will U kiss me?

SHE: Surely, that's my Pleasure

HE: Will U hurt me?

SHE:no never.I Won't do that.

HE:will u live with me upto death.


Read reversely.
Its interesting read it.,. $

Kamal Romance:

Hearts r many
sweet hearts r rare..
Loves r many
true loves r rare..
Ur names r many, but
U r one & only one 4 me as a sweet person....!$$

Kamal Hassan - Sneha

Choose one number...Tis year Ur life turning points i wil tel u 3 11 24 37 41 58 66 79 84 96

2010 turning

3 ) new friend
11 ) ur marriage
24 ) sad and happy
37 ) new job
41 ) love problems
58 ) romance and romantic
66 ) any time happy
79 ) new lover of the
84 ) love marriage conformed
96 ) new girl friend. Ohhh! Al d best!

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