
Friday, April 23, 2010

Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee:

The Words that decided the winner.
The folloeing are the last words given and spelled correctly in each of the years 1993 - 2007 at the Scripps Howard National Speeling Bee, Contucted

By leading newspapers in U.S.A.

2007 : serrefine

2006 : Ursprache

2005 : appoggiatura

2004 : autochthonous

2003 : pococutante

2002 : prospicience

2001 : succedaneum

2000 : demarche

1999 : logorrhea

1998 : chiaroscurist

1997 : euonym

1996 : vivisepulture

1995 : xanthosis

1994 : antediluvian

1993 : kamikaze

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