Google Adsense New Users & Publisher's Instruction
Google Adsense New Users & Publisher's Instruction:
Is the Business fees Refundable or Transferable?
NO. Business fee is not refundable or transferable
Google Adsense New Users & Publisher's Instruction:
Is there any other hidden fees?
No. We won't charge any hidden fees.
Indian Members:
How do I pay the Membership fees?
You can pay through our below mentioned bank account
Just Mail Get Bank Details --- >
If you need Google adsense Accounts Just Send your Information.
Required Information:
Address of Communication:
Mobile Number:
New G-mail ID's With Password Also:
Payment Method:
Indian Members Pay In Bank Deposit
Other Country Members:
Paypal ----> $40
Alertpay ---->$40
Google Adsense Rules :
How can I know how many clicks or hits my website or blog got?
You can view on your Google Adsense account
I already have a job, but would like to earn extra income. Will this affect my current job?
No. It won't affect your current job. You can do this job as Part time or Full time
Is the system difficult to learn?
No. Easy to learn. More number of tutorials and tips available on internet with free of change
Will I need anything to get started?
You need a website or blog, domain and hosting
What will I get exactly for my business fee?
You get blog or website and google adsense account for your business fee. Apart from this you won’t get anything.
Is there any Assurance for my earning?
No, there is no Assurance your earning. you have to follow google policy, terms and conditions in order to get your adsense earning from google.its totally depends on your effort only.
If I have any doubt, what should i do?
If you have any doubt, please email us at
Mail ID :
Is the Business fees Refundable or Transferable?
NO. Business fee is not refundable or transferable
Google Adsense New Users & Publisher's Instruction:
Is there any other hidden fees?
No. We won't charge any hidden fees.
Indian Members:
How do I pay the Membership fees?
You can pay through our below mentioned bank account
Just Mail Get Bank Details --- >
If you need Google adsense Accounts Just Send your Information.
Required Information:
Address of Communication:
Mobile Number:
New G-mail ID's With Password Also:
Payment Method:
Indian Members Pay In Bank Deposit
Other Country Members:
Paypal ----> $40
Alertpay ---->$40
Google Adsense Rules :
How can I know how many clicks or hits my website or blog got?
You can view on your Google Adsense account
I already have a job, but would like to earn extra income. Will this affect my current job?
No. It won't affect your current job. You can do this job as Part time or Full time
Is the system difficult to learn?
No. Easy to learn. More number of tutorials and tips available on internet with free of change
Will I need anything to get started?
You need a website or blog, domain and hosting
What will I get exactly for my business fee?
You get blog or website and google adsense account for your business fee. Apart from this you won’t get anything.
Is there any Assurance for my earning?
No, there is no Assurance your earning. you have to follow google policy, terms and conditions in order to get your adsense earning from google.its totally depends on your effort only.
If I have any doubt, what should i do?
If you have any doubt, please email us at
Mail ID :
உங்க வீட்ல இருந்தே மாதம் இருபதாயிரம் மற்றும் அதற்கு மேலும்
உங்க வீட்ல இருந்தே மாதம் இருபதாயிரம் மற்றும் அதற்கு மேலும் சம்பாதிக்கஉங்க வீட்ல இருந்தே மாதம் இருபதாயிரம் மற்றும் அதற்கு மேலும் சம்பாதிக்கலாம்.எப்படி?என்ன வேலைன்னு கேட்கறீங்களா?எ
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